What is a lucid dream - Techniques of lucid dreaming! And How to lucid dream for beginners?

what is a lucid dream - Techniques of lucid dreaming! And How to lucid dream for beginners?

what is a lucid dream?

Being a lucid dreamer is incredible. You get to live your fantasies every night.
In the life of a lucid dreamer, you'll experience many things. The common one is you'll have a desire to experience more, do more, and live more. Although sometimes your friends might think it's crazy, it's well worth it! (lucid dreaming can open many doors for you in and outside of your mind)

When you are aware of being in a dream, you can also learn to master experiences that aren't possible in waking reality. You can try flying, breathing underwater, or whatever else you put your mind to. With the sensations as real as in waking life.
It is reported that lucid dreaming can!

Lucid dreaming is being aware that you are dreaming from within your own dream. It is knowing you are dreaming, while you are dreaming, and it is a skill that can be learned.
Becoming aware that you are dreaming allows you to shape, influence, and direct your dreams with clarity, instead of being uncritically controlled by them.

How to lucid dream for beginners?

How to lucid dream tonight!

  1. Spend the rest of your day reading about lucid dreaming so your brain is focused on your goal.
  2. Do lots of "reality checks" during the day. Try pushing your finger through the palm of your hand. In a dream, your finger will go right through your hand.
  3. You'll then realize your dreaming and Become lucid.
  4. Turn off all screens an hour before bed.
  5. At bedtime, set an alarm to gently wake you up in 5 hours.
  6. When your alarm goes off, don't open your eyes or move much. Stay awake in your mind as your body drifts back to sleep. 
  7. You will experience "sleep paralysis” - this can be scary, but It's harmless. 
  8. Think about lucid dreaming and focus on the dream you want to have.

Techniques of lucid dreaming

3 powerful techniques to induce lucid dreaming.

Mnemonic-induced lucid dreaming (mild) is one of the most popular forms of lucid dream induction. As an adjective mnemonic refers to something that helps us retain a memory. Mild generally involves mentally rehearsing the act of dreaming and becoming lucid.

  1. Wild stands for wake-induced lucid dreaming. Like mild, there are many versions of the wild method.
  2. The common thread between these techniques is the retention of conscious awareness between wakefulness and dreaming
  3. Tholey's combined technique is named after a psychologist paul they who developed a lucid dream induction technique that combines three core components: reflection, intention, and autosuggestion. Each approach can be used individually to improve lucid dreaming skills, but by approaching the process from multiple angles the combined technique is designed to tune one's overall mindset to become receptive to lucid dreaming.

What does lucid dream mean! And Benefits of lucid dreaming.


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Lucid dreaming

How to lucid dream in 5 minutes!

Lay down and go to sleep. This works best if you are extremely tired. Lay on your back with your arms at your side and eyes closed. Stay perfectly still. You must stay awake. Your brain will send signals to your body to see if you are ready to sleep. These signals include: getting an itch, changing your body position, wanting to blink or move your eyeballs (remember your eyes should be closed). You must ignore all of these impulses. After about 20-30 minutes you will feel a weight on your chest; you may even hear weird noises. You are now in sleep paralysis, if you open your eyes you will begin to hallucinate (dream with your eyes open) and you will not be able to move your body. Your body is now completely asleep. Now that you are aware you are dreaming, you can shut your eyes and begin to dream instantly. You will be fully aware you are dreaming and can now (with some practice) control your dreams.



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So, This is a simple solution to This question about lucid dreams:

How to have lucid dreams tonight? - How to lucid dream fast! - How to lucid dream right now Guide to meditate every dream

How to lucid dream right now ?- What does lucid dream mean!

How to lucid dream in 5 minutes? - How to lucid dream for beginners. - is lucid dreaming real!


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