Benefits of Varuna Mudra: Fight dehydration and stay healthy

We often do not pay attention to our health in times of happiness, sadness and work in life. But we should know that the age-old Indian culture has many practices that guide us towards a healthy life. Varuna mudra is one of those remedies, which helps cure diseases caused by lack of water.

Varuna Mudra Fight Dehydration And Stay Healthy - Varun Mudra Benefits

How to practice Varuna Mudra

Sit in meditation position: First of all, sit on a mat or a chair and sit comfortably in Padmasana or Siddhasana. Make sure your back is straight.

Arm Position: Place both your hands on your knees and palms should be facing the sky.

Mudra Practice: While touching the thumb with the top finger, slightly press the top knuckle of the smallest ring finger and keep the remaining three fingers straight.

Meditation and Breathing: Focus your attention on breathing and sit in this posture for half an hour. Remember that breathing is normal.

Precious Time: Practice Varuna Mudra for at least 15 minutes.

Benefits of Varuna Mudra

  • Beneficial in diseases like dropsy and pleurisy.
  • Reduces swelling in hands and feet.
  • Removes negative emotions and stabilizes the mental state.
  • Improves blood circulation and increases body efficiency.
Benefits of Varuna Mudra Fight Dehydration And Stay Healthy - Varun Mudra Benefits

More Benefits of Varun Mudra

  1. When the stomach fills with water, it is called ascites.
  2. When the lungs become filled with water, it is called pleurisy.
  3. Hands and feet get filled with water anywhere.
  4. If there is swelling anywhere in the body, do Varuna mudra.
  5. Use Varuna mudra in case of runny nose, eyes, sinus diseases, or phlegm-filled lungs.
  6. Filariasis occurs, and swelling of the feet, Varuna Mudra will be beneficial.
  7. Similarly, if the feet become like the feet of an elephant, the feet swell and become big like an elephant, Varuna mudra should be used.
  8. Regular practice of Varuna mudra brings continuity to the practitioner's work.
  9. Varuna mudra destroys all diseases caused by lack of water.
  10. Practicing Varuna mudra is beneficial in nerve pain and intestinal inflammation.
  11. If Varuna Mudra is practiced regularly, the blood is purified.
  12. Varuna Mudra removes the problem of excessive sweating.
  13. Varuna mudra not only keeps the body youthful but also makes the body flexible.
  14. By doing Varuna Mudra, the balance of the water element of the body is maintained.
  15. Varuna mudra prevents gastroenteritis and nerve pain and compression.
  16. Varuna mudra also makes the skin beautiful.
  17. Varuna mudra improves blood circulation in the body.
  18. Varuna mudra balances blood circulation, gets rid of skin diseases and removes anemia.
  19. By performing Varuna mudra daily, youth lasts longer and old age does not come soon.
  20. Regular practice of Varuna Mudra removes dryness from the body.

Precautions in Varuna Mudra

Do not over-practice Varuna mudra in case of cough, cold or related diseases. Sitting in this posture for long periods can have unwanted effects on your body.


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